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Animals Used in Research versus Animal Cosmetic Testing

            Animals used as models in biomedical research are often confused with cosmetic testing done on animals. Opponents to animal research often equate these two forms of testing. However, the purposes of these two types of testing is significantly different. 

            Cosmetic testing on animals has received an immense amount of scrutiny over the past several years, as it should. Historically, companies would use animals, mainly rabbits, to test the safety of new cosmetics such as shampoo and makeup. At some point in time, many years ago, this may have been a viable option to ensure the public was receiving safe cosmetic products, but not now. With the technology scientists have today, the safety of certain molecules can be determined using other methods and models if it isn’t already known. Very few new chemicals and compounds are developed for cosmetics meaning safety tests are not needed, for the results are already known. The minute benefits companies would gain from animal cosmetic testing today is not greater than the cost of the animals. 

            Animals used in biomedical research, however, are different. These animals are being used to study live saving diagnostics, therapies, and medications not body lotion. Many of these developments are brand new. Therefore, studies must be done on animals to test efficacy before human subjects are used as opposed to cosmetics which efficacy is already known. 

            Currently, there are no viable alternatives to animals used in biomedical research. Without the sacrifice of lab animals, antibiotics, vaccines, and chemotherapy would not be prevalent in society. If animal research was banned today specifically in neuroscience research, no cure would be found for Alzheimer’s and people with traumatic brain injuries would be left to die. Because there are no viable alternatives, society’s wellbeing would fracture if animal research in the biomedical field was banned. Healthcare innovations would cease immediately. People would die who otherwise would have lived a long, healthy life.

            No animal should ever have to endure cosmetic testing. Society is moving in the right direction by stopping this practice. However, it is inaccurate to liken cosmetic testing to biomedical research, including neuroscience research. The benefits of these animal models greatly outweigh the cost as opposed to cosmetic testing.

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